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The "Hippie Herbalist", is a wellness and life coach, a certified herbal counselor, a certified muscle response tester, and is certified in Iridology. She is a mentor for a successful marketing training company, and a leader with a major network marketing company. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Women, Successful Thinkers, and the Association of Research and Enlightenment. In college, she majored in behavioral sciences and psychology. She has studied herbalism, muscle response testing, and iridology from several private top rated schools. She is currently researching various methods of energy healing, visualization and meditative healing, and is completing marketing classes. Her course of study has led her to some interesting ongoing research in areas such as, Tesla technology, Rife technology, as well as other similar areas of research and study.

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hip·pie (hĭp'ē)n. A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.

herb·al·ist (ûrb-lst)n. One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Anatomy of the biliary tree, liver and gall bladder, Jiju Kurian Punnoose

Are you depressed, irritable or angry, low on energy, having difficulty sleeping, having eye problems, or feeling bloated?  It could be an imbalance in your liver.  Your liver plays a very important role in your overall health.  Many problems can occur with your health if your liver is functioning improperly.  In fact, the causes of the majority of health problems is linked to issues with the liver, digestive system and glands.
I actually worked at an EPA clean up site (old military weapons plant full of uranium and other toxins) for several years, and then developed liver and gallbladder problems, depression, lack of energy, and the list goes on.  Could there be a link to these issues and the toxins?  You can decide after reading this post.  The answers to the health problems I was experiencing ranged from antidepressants to gallbladder operation.  No one could tell me how to get rid of these toxins that I had been unknowingly exposed to.  I took matters into my own hands and began doing research on what I could do to help myself.  I personally would recommend that everyone be their own "toxin detective" to see what toxins they may be getting exposed to that are harming their health.  You take out the garbage in your home, what about your body?
Okay, so let’s take a look at what your liver actually does.  Your liver is the largest and most metabolically complex organ in your whole body.  Think of it as a storehouse for all of your nutrients.  What do you have stored in yours?
Your liver also helps you to digest your food and nutrients, and helps your body to detoxify from chemicals.  It also is a major player in the functioning of your immune system.  In essence, you liver is where bile is produced to emulsify and help with digestion of fats. It is also a storage unit for your blood, and nutrients, which it releases as needed; and it filters out toxins from the blood in your body.  Your liver also is responsible for making lipoproteins (cholesterol – LDL takes the fats to the tissues in the body, HDL brings them back to the liver) to transport fats throughout your body.  (In spite of what you may have heard, our bodies absolutely require good fats to function properly.)  It also helps your body maintain the proper blood sugar levels, and is a defensive line back to your immune system to help prevent infections.
Your Bodies 3 Main Defense Systems:
1.       The first line of your body’s  defense are the mucous membranes of your digestive and respiratory system.
2.       The second line of defense is your digestive system.  All blood from the digestive system is sent to the liver to process nutrients and send them where your body needs them, and to filter toxins.
3.       Toxins in the blood that get past the liver cause the glandular system to activate and push the toxins out, which makes the glandular system your third line of defense.
To find out if your body may be struggling with imbalances in your liver, you can download and take our Brilliant Body Assessment at:
·         Or take it online at www.mynsp.com/herbbarn (click on the yellow “Health Analyzer” Button”)
Some things that have been linked to liver imbalances are:
·         Difficulty digesting certain foods
·         Monthly female concerns (PMS, menstrual problems)
·         Regular consumption of alcohol
·         Food allergies
·         Smoking
·         Skin/complexion problems
·         Feeling down, uninterested or moody
·         Difficulty getting to sleep, lack of sleep
·         Fewer than 2 bowel movements per day
·         Daily consumption of fried foods
·         Restless sleep or waking up frequently
·         Feeling irritable or easily angered
·         Stuffy or bloated feeling under right rib cage
·         Difficulty digesting fats
·         Difficulty getting to sleep at night
·         Groggy feeling in the morning, difficulty waking up
·         Chemical sensitivities
·         Environmental illness
·         Working around chemicals
·         Eye problems
·         Feeling ill, but nothing shows up on medical tests (hypochondria)
Five Ways to Help Your Liver Function Better
1.       Keep Exposure to Environmental Toxins to a Minimum
2.       Use Herbs and Supplements That Help to Detoxify the Liver
3.       Let Go of Anger and Resentment (the liver is where anger and resentment are held in the body)  To see more about the mind/body connection:
4.       Increase Your Intake of Antioxidants
5.       Protect Your Liver with Hepatoprotective Herbs
According to the American Cancer Society, prior to the 20th century, only 1 out of 8,000 Americans got cancer, but since World War II, more than 80,000 chemicals have been developed, and now the statistics say that 1 out of 3 people get cancer.  The Center for Disease Control reports that cancer is also the leading cause of death in people between the ages of 45 and 75.
Toxins from chemicals, drugs and environmental pollutants are putting a heavy burden on our livers.  Reports now say that 80% of the toxins we are exposed to are from our own homes, and are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than environmental pollutants.
It is very important to limit the amount of toxins we are exposed to.  In my family, we have thrown away all poisonous cleaning products and personal care products and replaced them with biodegradable safe alternatives. 
In addition to cleaning up your products, it’s a good idea to clean up the air in your home.  Most people, on average, can’t afford to put in a whole house air purifier, but there are some very good alternatives that work well.  The one  that we use is called a Boomerang Air Purifier.  It is available at www.mynsp.com/herbbarn (do a search for Boomerang).
You might also consider cleaning up your water with a good reverse osmosis system.  From our water, we can get chemicals, fluoride, chlorine, and yes, even parasites in some cases.  You can find a great one at www.mynsp.com/herbbarn (just do a search for Natures Spring).
Other harmful substances to avoid:
·         Drugs
·         Alcohol
·         Genetically modified foods (GMOs)
·         Food additives
·         Pesticides and other agricultural chemicals
·         Gasoline & solvents (petrochemicals)
·         Tobacco products
·         Chemicals in general
The liver needs vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other phytonutrients in order to do its job the correct way.  If your liver is extremely toxic you may need even more nutritional support.
When you begin to detoxify your body, you should be aware that as your liver detoxifies, you may feel tired and sluggish, and could even have some “healing crisis’” occur while your body is removing these toxins.  Some common indications of a “healing crisis” may be things like, cold symptoms, headache, skin itching and even digestive upsets.  It is only temporary, and is your body’s way of letting you know that it is working on something and getting rid of it.  Also, be aware that unless your body is able to eliminate toxins through one or several of your elimination systems, they remain trapped and can be a health hazard.  There are six parts of our bodies that work 24/7 to get rid of wastes, with 5 of them being organs of elimination:
1.       The colon
2.       The lungs
3.       The skin
4.       The lymph
5.       The kidneys
6.       And in addition the liver
Some supplements to consider if you believe that you have a toxic liver might be:
·         Indole-3-Carbinol
·         Milk Thistle Combination
·         Liver Balance
·         Heavy Metal Detox
·         Psyllium Hulls
·         Hepetic  System Pack (which includes several of the above in convenient packets)
All of the above products are available through www.mynsp.com/herbbarn
Now let’s take a look at antioxidants and what they can do to help protect the liver, especially during the detoxification process.  Note:  your eyes and liver use more antioxidants than any other areas of your body (eye problems can be an indicator of liver issues due to a lack of antioxidants.)
Food antioxidants include, dark green leafy vegetables (Chard, beet greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, etc.); cruciferous vegetables (Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.); Red beets; Lemon water; black cherries, blueberries, and other sour fruits.
Glutathione is also an very important antioxidant, one of the most important in the body.  Its job is to recycle other antioxidants; and to help detoxify and eliminate poisons in the liver, lungs, intestines, and kidneys.  It also helps protect liver and eye health.  Heavy metal toxins inhibit glutathione replenishing.  N-Acetyl-Cysteine is a precursor to glutathione and aids both liver and eye health
Thai-Go is a great way to get your antioxidants.  Sour fruits are said to tonify the liver chi in Chinese medicine.  Many of the antioxidant fruits in Thai-Go are used in Chinese medicine for liver and eye problems.  Thai-Go is an excellent liver protecting remedy
Other support products for liver detoxification:
·         Mood Elevator - Depression, low energy
·         Blood Stimulator - PMS, heavy menstrual bleeding, pale, weak
·         Gall Bladder Formula - Poor fat digestion (also consider Hi-Lipase), gall bladder problems
Order these products at www.mynsp.com/herbbarn
Five Keys to a Healthy Liver
1.       Minimize Exposure to Environmental Toxins
2.       Use Herbs and Supplements That Support Liver Detoxification
3.       Let Go of Anger and Resentment
4.       Increase Your Intake of Antioxidants
5.       Protect Your Liver with Hepatoprotective Herbs
Order these products at www.mynsp.com/herbbarn
Find out more information about herbs and supplements, please do not hesitate to contact us, or find out more by visiting our website at:


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