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About Me

- The Hippie Herbalist
- The "Hippie Herbalist", is a wellness and life coach, a certified herbal counselor, a certified muscle response tester, and is certified in Iridology. She is a mentor for a successful marketing training company, and a leader with a major network marketing company. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Women, Successful Thinkers, and the Association of Research and Enlightenment. In college, she majored in behavioral sciences and psychology. She has studied herbalism, muscle response testing, and iridology from several private top rated schools. She is currently researching various methods of energy healing, visualization and meditative healing, and is completing marketing classes. Her course of study has led her to some interesting ongoing research in areas such as, Tesla technology, Rife technology, as well as other similar areas of research and study.
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herb·al·ist (ûrb-lst)n. One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Painful Inflammation of the big toe or foot caused by uric acid buildup in the bloodstream and joints. Pointed uric acid crystals build up, and cause inflammation. It has been described as a sensation of walking on needles. This condition is very common in those with acute inflammatory arthritis. Purines are formed due to waste products in the blood, and are caused primarily by what we eat and drink, especially if our diets are high in meat or alcohol. A diet high in junk foods that offer no nutrition, such as fast foods is also a major culprit. Uric acid if formed when purines breakdown and circulate in the bloodstream. When too much uric acid is formed in the body, it can cause some serious health issues.
High blood levels of uric acid are a strong predictor of death from cardiovascular disease, stroke and all causes. Uric acid is a product of the breakdown of nitrogen compounds, and is normally excreted in urine. It has been recognized for decades that uric acid is found at high levels in the joints of people with gout. Uric acid may trigger inflammation and a strong immune response. Arthritis & Rheumatism, February 15, 2009.
How to Reduce Uric Acid Levels
1. Reduce sugar consumption. Sugar aggrivates the pancreas and causes increased uric acid in the blood.
2. Increase your amount of water to help flush out uric acid. As a rule, we should drink ½ our body weight in ounces of water daily (i.e. if you weigh 120 lbs, you should have 60 ounces of water daily) Add ½ squeezed lemon per glass to help alkalize and break down uric acid. Do not add sugar.
3. Avoid foods that are high in purines, like red meats (beef, pork and lamb). Eat foods low in purines, such as broccoli, fruits, pasta and rice.
4. Limit or quit drinking alcoholic beverages. Clinical studies have shown that alcohol increases uric acid.
5. Take vitamin C. In a 2005 study done at Johns Hopkins University, it was found that 500 mg of vitamin C daily can significantly reduce uric acid levels in the body.
6. Safflowers is a great supplement that helps get uric acid out of the body quickly.
7. Omega 3s (fish oil) to take down inflammation and reduce pain.
8. Take a Vitamin/Mineral Supplement to help normalize systems in the body. Minerals help to alkalize and activate enzymes, which break down wastes in the body.
9. Eat more fiber, or take a fiber supplement. Fiber helps to flush uric acid out of the bloodstream. Foods high in fiber are apples, bananas, raisins and oats. Eat at least three servings daily.
Supplements That Help With Gout:
· Vitamin C
· Safflowers
· Omega 3s (fish oil)
· Super Supplemental Multi Vitamin & Mineral
· Fiber
Labels:arthritis,gout,health issues | 0
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Take My 5 MINUTE SURVEY "Help Me To Help You" and Get My eBook Mini-Course "How to Create Your Own Herbal Extracts: A Guide to Making Scented Waters & Medicinal Tinctures" (a $29.95 value!) as a FREE GIFT! (Note: If you have previously taken the survey, but were unable to download the mini-course, there was a bit of a glitch in the system. Please take the survey again and you will be able to access the download.)
Labels:herbal recipes,wellness survey | 0
Monday, April 2, 2012
There are a lot of people who are beginning to realize how important it is to shop organic and be careful about what kinds of foods and drinks they are putting in their bodies. They now realize that putting toxic food into your body is not healthy. However, most of these same people are still getting tremendous amounts of toxic chemicals in their bodies from an unknown source, even more than they were getting through their previous diets of processed and chemical laden foods. The source that is often overlooked is personal care products. It is a fact that we absorb more toxic chemicals through the skin than through our mouths. The skin is the largest organ in the body and has the potential to absorb an even larger amount of harmful toxins.
The Environmental Working Group (, did research studies on personal care products, and found that over one-third of all personal care products contained at least one cancer causing ingredient. In a survey they conducted, it was found that more than 25Many skin creams and lotions boast of having "deep moisturizing" qualities. In fact, 57 percent contain penetration-enhancing chemicals--these chemicals push the harmful toxins in the product faster and deeper into your skin and blood. A product survey conducted by the EWG in 2004 revealed that more than 25% of women and 1% of men use at least 15 products daily. So what happens when lots of these chemicals are used daily? You do the math.
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics funded an independent laboratory test on 48 skin care products that are specifically for children, and the findings were astounding. 61% of all products tested contained two cancer causing chemicals in high levels, formaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane.
The Organic Consumers Association has a great list of the top ten cosmetic ingredients to avoid:
If you are interested in finding out if your shampoo, soap, deodorant, body wash, toothpaste, etc. is full of toxic chemicals, EWG has a great database where you can search products to find out. This site also has suggestions for safer products that can be used.
Labels:Toxic Personal Care Products,toxins | 0
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Happy April Fools Day 2012! I did something that was pretty fun for April Fools Day. I "magically" filled three glasses with water and turned them upside down on the kitchen counter. When everyone got home, they passed by, did a double take, and then asked me, "How did you do that?" I smiled and told them that I am not only the "Hippie Herbalist", but I am also the "Magic Hippie." For some people who are not real in tune with their surroundings, you might have to point the glass or glasses out :) (See photo below)
The way it is done in the video is lots of fun, especially if you do it outside and in warm weather (a great BBQ trick). Because I didn't want a big mess to clean up inside my house, I used a partially filled glass and just let them wonder how I got it upside down. To empty the cup when finished, just slide it over to the edge of the counter, and use a deep bowl or pot to catch the water when you slide the glass off. Be careful, the water comes out fast and it still may spill out of the bowl or pot some.
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Learn how to do this trick: Watch this YouTube Video. |
The way it is done in the video is lots of fun, especially if you do it outside and in warm weather (a great BBQ trick). Because I didn't want a big mess to clean up inside my house, I used a partially filled glass and just let them wonder how I got it upside down. To empty the cup when finished, just slide it over to the edge of the counter, and use a deep bowl or pot to catch the water when you slide the glass off. Be careful, the water comes out fast and it still may spill out of the bowl or pot some.
It looks like YouTube REALLY enjoys celebrating April Fools Day!
See their 2012 April Fool's Video below:
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