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The "Hippie Herbalist", is a wellness and life coach, a certified herbal counselor, a certified muscle response tester, and is certified in Iridology. She is a mentor for a successful marketing training company, and a leader with a major network marketing company. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Women, Successful Thinkers, and the Association of Research and Enlightenment. In college, she majored in behavioral sciences and psychology. She has studied herbalism, muscle response testing, and iridology from several private top rated schools. She is currently researching various methods of energy healing, visualization and meditative healing, and is completing marketing classes. Her course of study has led her to some interesting ongoing research in areas such as, Tesla technology, Rife technology, as well as other similar areas of research and study.

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hip·pie (hĭp'ē)n. A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.

herb·al·ist (ûrb-lst)n. One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Everyday we seem to hear more scary reports about toxins in our food, our water, the air we breathe.  They are in building materials, clothing, cleaning products and even personal care and many baby products.

We have heard the argument from the tough guy who states things like, "Well, I don't even want to know about all of those toxins!  There are so many of them that it's impossible to get away from them.  I might as well have fun and live my life!  Besides, I'm going to die of something someday, right?"

What people don't seem to realize is that they are exposed to many of these toxins before they are even born!  Yes, you read it right.  Baby's in the womb are now known to have an average of 200 different toxins in their body before they are even born.

So what happens if you start out with exposure to toxins before you are born, and then are exposed to more toxins through the environment, food, water, etc. after you are born...and then you just keep being exposed to these same toxins over and over again?  You guessed  it.  Toxic overload.  This is what is refered to as the a Toxic Body Burden.

So what happens when you get a toxic body burden that is greater than what your body is able to eliminate through the normal processes (wastes being excreted through bowels, urine, breath, sweat etc?)  You guessed right again!  Your body begins to lack energy and then diseases begin to develop.  It's quite simple.  If you body is filled up with toxic garbage it can't function eficiently or properly.  It begins to affect the cells and the DNA in your body.  You begin to age faster, lack energy, get sick more often, and get into the never ending cycle of body systems failure and disease (dis-ease: when your body is in a state of imbalance and not in a state of ease), medications to help control the discomfort, and if it gets bad enough, death is the final result. 

Every single cell in your body is surrounded by water (lymphatic fluid).  This fluid is there for a reason.  It is sort of like a second blood stream, and transports necessary things through the bloodstream and to cells and tissues.  It's primary job is to transport things to and from cells and tissues.  Now, think about each cell in your body as being a fish in a fish bowl.  You put the good food in the water and the fish eat it, but then the water starts to get cloudy and dirty from excess food and waste that accumulates in the water.  These excess wastes then have a chemical reaction that occurs between them, and they then start to produce some very unhealthy conditions for the fish to live in.  What would happen if you never cleaned the fish bowl?  You guessed it again - the fish would get sick and eventually die.  This is a great example of what happens to the cells in our bodys as a result of toxins.  Now, since our lymphatic system has no pump, like the bloodstream has with the heart, the only things that will help to move and clean up the lymphatic system are exercise and deep breathing.  (Exercise will help by creating sweat, which helps to remove toxic substances - but be careful, because if you sweat and then the sweat dries on the skin, it can be reabsorbed back into the system.  Always carry a towel or wear one around your neck to wipe off excess sweat when doing strenuous work or exercise).

To explain what we are dealing with to an even greater degreee, I am including three videos from the Environmental Working Group.  These video are from a study that was done on 10 Americans, which found 287 different toxins.  Please take time to watch these videos.  "Knowledge IS Power!"

10 Americans Study - Part 2 of 3



If you have taken the time to review the videos above for yourself, you can see that we all are facing a very dangerous situation.  The good news is that we can do something to clean up these toxins in our body, and to support the body systems to protect ourselves, and even possibly repair some of the damage that exposure to these toxins has caused.
To see more about the toxins that have been reported in the media, and also some of the books we recommend to help you learn about them, see our website at:
If you would like to find out more about what you can do to protect yourself and the people that you care about, you might want to take a look at the products below (click on the links below and be sure to scroll down and read the description):

If you have questions, please contact us through our website at www.HippieHerbalist.com