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The "Hippie Herbalist", is a wellness and life coach, a certified herbal counselor, a certified muscle response tester, and is certified in Iridology. She is a mentor for a successful marketing training company, and a leader with a major network marketing company. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Women, Successful Thinkers, and the Association of Research and Enlightenment. In college, she majored in behavioral sciences and psychology. She has studied herbalism, muscle response testing, and iridology from several private top rated schools. She is currently researching various methods of energy healing, visualization and meditative healing, and is completing marketing classes. Her course of study has led her to some interesting ongoing research in areas such as, Tesla technology, Rife technology, as well as other similar areas of research and study.

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hip·pie (hĭp'ē)n. A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.

herb·al·ist (ûrb-lst)n. One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The Problem:  It is two-fold – too many toxins in our food, air and water, and not enough nutrition in our food supply due to poor soils.

To Survive in the Coming Years We Must Make Some Changes:  Here are some ideas that may help us adapt and survive radiation and toxic exposure.

Many foods can better help our bodies to tolerate and adapt to the effects of radiation and pollution.   Keep in mind that toxins are more concentrated higher in the food chain (i.e. animals eat the plants and grain, and we eat the animals and drink the milk, so the toxins will be concentrated to a greater degree in us).  Eating foods like plants, seeds and nuts lower on the food chain, and consuming less meat and dairy products will help us to minimize our chemical intake.

What We Know From Historical Information: Following the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan in WWII, a group of surviving macrobiotic doctors and their patients avoided radiation sickness (radioactive isotopes tear down the immune system) by eating brown rice, miso soup, seaweed, pumpkin, and sea salt and were told to avoid sugar and white flour products. These patients did not get leukemia, though the hospital was only one mile from the bombsite!  So what can you do right now?  It is very important to keep your immune system strong. 

Supplement Your Diet for Prevention
  • Multi Vitamin/Mineral (to keep cells and immune system strong)
  • Antioxidants (to guard immune system from toxins)
  • Kelp, Dulse or Sea Vegetables (Algae/seaweeds) to keep natural sources of iodine in the body and neutralize  radioactive isotopes. (Nascent Iodine - only if there is a danger of large amounts of radiation exposure)
  • Chlorophyll (wheatgrass, spirulina, chlorella and barley grass strengthen cells, transport oxygen, help detoxify and neutralize pollution)
  • Redox Signaling Molecules (To help your immune system protect, repair and even replace bad cells)
Foods That Help Cells, Detoxify & Oxygenate
  • Sulfur rich foods (garlic, onions, beans, broccoli, kale, radish, cabbage, summer squash, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, rutabaga, turnip, and mustard greens  – help prevent free radical damage. Garlic keeps radioactive isotopes from being absorbed.)
  • High pectin foods like carrots, sunflower seeds and apples help to keep pollutants from being assimilated.
  • High beta-carotene foods (green leafy vegetables, carrots, squash and sweet potatoes) help with immunity and cell protection. Unpasteurized sauerkraut helps promote healthy intestinal flora. (Note:  Some foods block the uptake of iodine when eaten in large amounts (Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, peaches, pears, spinach, turnips) If you have an underactive thyroid use these sparingly.)
Clean Up Toxins in Your Body & Environment

  • Colon cleansing (one that contains apple and clay to absorb toxins)
  • Epsom salt baths (1 pound per bath) can be used to draw radiation and toxins out.
  • Water filtering system (for the entire household is best), but at least for drinking water.
  • Air filtering system for the household will also help.